
Great Give 2016

On April 10, 2016, in DONORS, Events, by jnbrink

The Michael Joseph Brink Foundation is pleased to announce their participation in the Great Give 2016 Campaign for Palm Beach and Martin Counties. Support the expansion of our programs and on May 3, 2016 donate HERE. WHAT IS GREAT GIVE PALM BEACH & MARTIN COUNTIES: Great Give Palm Beach & Martin Counties is a 24-hour online […]

Shoes and Bikes from Heaven

On April 10, 2016, in DONATION, Events, by jnbrink

I was on my way to pick up my daughter at College in December 2014 when I saw a young man standing on the side of the road at the interstate exit with a sign asking for money. I often see individuals asking for money at this exit so it did not surprise me. He […]

A Gift for Eli from Michael and Frankie in Heaven

On April 10, 2016, in DONATION, Events, by jnbrink

Milsa and I met at a The Compassionate Friends Royal Palm Beach meeting in 2011. She lost her young son Frankie in a very tragic accident. Frankie left behind a 11 year old son, Eli. Through the Michael Joseph Brink Foundation, Eli received a Spalding basketball and a Lifetime basketball hoop to go with it. […]

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Our Mission

Inspiring Our Youth to Personal Greatness

The Michael Joseph Brink Foundation's goal is to enhance programs already found in our community with resources to help them reach and empower more teens. The foundation’s work falls into four main categories: outreach; skill development education; development of proactive responses; and special programs.